Addition of New Projects in Program Development



Projects are selected for inclusion in the TIP based on the selection cooperatively developed by the CDTC Staff, NYSDOT, CDTA, other members of CDTC's Planning Committee and other interested parties.  In general, the overall process requires the identification of candidate highway and transit projects, the objective evaluation of the merits of each project, and selection of projects in accordance with a set of principles. Project selection for dedicated transit funds (FTA Sections 5307, 5309, 5310, and 5311) are considered separately.


New candidate projects are evaluated for merit in three steps.


1.      Screen: Minimum requirements were established that each project is required to meet.  These screening criteria insure that every project considered for programming is consistent with New Visions and local land use plans, has a funding plan, could be constructed within the five-year TIP period, and is eligible for federal funds. 


2.      Evaluate Merit: A project must pass screen in order to proceed to merit evaluation.  The merits of every project passing screen are fairly evaluated and summarized on a one-page fact sheet.  A blank fact sheet is included for reference on page G-9.  The merit evaluation procedure used the best available information from CDTC's models, from corridor studies, and from the project sponsor. 


3.      Choose Projects: A balanced Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) contributes to a staged regional plan for maintenance of essential facilities and services, demand management and capacity improvements.  Before considering new projects, the balance of the TIP's existing commitments is examined, from a variety of perspectives -- project sponsor, geographic, and by project type.  Then, programming capacity is assigned to projects in three rounds.  Round One is based primarily on quantified merit, insuring programming status to the best candidates.  This is done by project category; setting programming targets based on knowledge of the existing program balance.  Round Two funds projects from any category for any reason, insuring an opportunity for projects whose benefits don’t quantify well.  After public review, in Round Three, CDTC may program the balance of the funds to projects, insuring some ability to respond to public comment.



The project selection process for new projects is detailed in Appendix G and the merit evaluation procedure is detailed in Appendix I.  CDTC followed this procedure during the 2003-08 Update.  Programming of projects is detailed in the next section “Addition of New Projects in the 2003-08 Update”.